Sun 26 Jan
Cali is looking to be spoiled... - 22
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, OutCall, Sheboygan, Wausau)
Sat 11 Jan
*°.,*°.,*°., Im Wat You've Been Looking For *°.,*°.,*°., 75$pecials All Nite Dnt Miss It *°.,*°., - 22
(Wausau, my place or yours)
¤•¤•¤Sexy¤•¤ kayce in your ¤town sexy bombshell specials 920"944"4157 70• 90*100 specical - 22
(Wausau, Stevens point x all surrounding)
S -:¦:-U -:¦:-P -:¦:-E -:¦:-R -:¦:- S -:¦:-E -:¦:-X -:¦:-Y °[[CERTIFIED TO SATISFY]]°In & Outcall - 19
(Wausau, wausau all surroundings)
Friend with Benefits and a Married Mans Best Kept Secret! - 19
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, In town, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau)
¤¤~¤>Come play with ASTONISH£ ¤¤¤Specials allday_$~ - 19
(Wausau, wausau and all surrounding stevens point)
!@ In Town In morning to add SoMe SUNSHINE into your LiFe!@ ThurSday AfterNoon!@ - 19
(wausau and surrounding area)
~~~~ Sexy vegas barbie ~~~~ two more days intown ...... dont miss out!!!!!! - 23
(Wausau incall/outcall)
***** Open 24 HRS.... Last Night In YouR town.... DONT miss OUT !!!!! - 25
(Wausau, Wausau & Surrounding areas)
*°¡ Mia Is Leaving town Today ¡°* Hurry Super Specials !°* - 23
(Wausau, wausau stevens point. weston schofield)
(_ %PRICLESS% _) (_ *Is Here And Ready 4Fun* _) *weekend Specials* - 22
(Wausau, Wausau ,stevens point ,all surroundings!)
Santas Naughty Little Helper In Town...COME get your Gifts with SPECIALS all nite long ...CHLOE - 25
(Wausau, wausau/point Incall/outcall)
SoRrY GuYs PlAnS HaVe ChAnGeD I'lL Be In ToWn NeXt WeEkEnD... DoN't WoRrY I'M WORTH ThE WAiT! - 22
Fri 10 Jan
*:°• LeT mE Be YoUr DrEam GuRL •°:* 50 rose special Dnt miSs OuT *•:° - 20
(Wausau, Wausau ,stevens point ,all surroundings!)
*************new in town ready to please u*********$120 spaecls - 22
(Wausau, wausau in and out calls)
Chocalate and Vanilla treats beautiful Petite & Ready to meet 4142023642 - 22
(Wausau, Wisconsin Rapids, Marshfield areas aroun)
HI guys LETS play im new in TOWN from MIAMI very verySEXY victoria - 23
(Wausau, wausau stevans point an rapids all areas)
.*:* Hott N Ready **:***Just 4 Y O U * Back IN Town!!!!***** - 19
(Wausau, All Surroundings Areas In/Out CaLLs) in town and availability in open:-) - 24
(Wausau, wausau, Stevens point, fondulac, and mar)
OutCalls Only Im back in Town And I'm Better Than Before - 21
(MarshField Waupaca StevensPoint Area, Wausau)